http://dreamflowinc.blogspot.com/Wicked Paws Productions said...
I really love the fact that you're approaching the market from more than one angle. You have a style of your vodka to meet dif needs of customers. I think this really suits your marketing strategy well.
To increase share of customer, firms can offer greater variety to current customers. Or they can train employees to cross-sell and up-sell in order to market more products and services to existing customers. (Armstrong & Kotler 2009:23)
http://sapphirestudioproductions.blogspot.com/Wicked Paws Productions said...
I like that you've put you've established a setting and developed a partner with the Bare pool/lounge in order to bring your product to the customer. Thing to do now is to be sure they practice good customer relationship.
In addition to customer relationship management, marketers must also practice partner relationship management. They must work closely with partners in other company departments to form an effective value chain that serves the customer. (Armstrong & Kotler 2009:45)
http://blankgoldproductions.blogspot.com/Wicked Paws Productions said...
With whats provided i think you have a nice design with the bottle but you need to do more than bring a design. You needs to gain the advangage on all the competition. What sets yours above the rest in the minds of all the consumers?
Marketers must do more than simply adapt to the needs of target consumers. They also must gain strategic advantage by positioning their offerings strongly against competitors’ offerings in the minds of consumers. (Armstrong & Kotler 2009:67)
http://prochargedproductions.blogspot.com/Wicked Paws Productions said...
Your product is really well drawn out. It definitly brings forth that manly vodka feel but do you want to simply sell to rugged men only? Sure that may be your market but is it big enough for profit?
People vary in their emphasis on serving themselves versus serving others. Some people seek personal pleasure wanting fun, change, and escape. Others seek self realization through religion, recreation, or the avid pursuit of careers or other life goals. People use products, brands, and services as a means of self-expression and they buy products and services that match their views of themselves. (Armstrong & Kotler 2009:86)
http://pheonixpyro.blogspot.com/Wicked Paws Productions said...
Perhaps what you can do is find out what exactly your target market is looking for. Go to the locations where you can foresee your product being sold and see what happens and whats going on through the customers minds as they order that tasty sip of fiery pheonix vodka. Dont give up my friend!
In addition to marketing intelligence information about general consumer, competitor and marketplace happenings, marketers often need formal studies that provide customer and market insights for specific marketing situations and decisions (Armstrong & Kotler 2009:101)
http://pennysteeler.blogspot.com/Wicked Paws Productions said...
Perhaps what you could do is post an online survey in order to better understand the markets reaction to your product or any other information you're not quite sure of. Theres tons of resources at your disposal with the internet. Be sure to take full advantage of this.
The internet is especially well suited to quantitative research-conducting marketing surveys and collecting data. Two thirds of all Americans now have access to the web, making it a fertile channel for reaching a broad cross section of consumers. As response rates for traditional survey approaches decline and costs increase, the web is quickly replacing mail and telephone as the dominant data collection methodology. (Armstrong & Kotler 2009:109)
http://lady702.blogspot.com/Wicked Paws Productions said...
Think about this as you try to implement your product into the market. You have your product clearly defined with ready recipes as well but so do many others. What kind of relationship with the customer do you have to make them choose L.A.D.Y. Vodka?
Consumers make many buying decisions every day. Most large companies research consumer buying decisions in great detail to answer questions about what consumers buy, where they buy, how and how much but learning about the whys of consumer buyingis not so easy. (Armstrong & Kotler 2009:131)
Wicked Paws Productions said...
You've definitly labeled out what one thing your brand of vodka stands strong in. Use this to your advantage and appeal to your customers with this angle. Good work!
Most well known brands are strongly associated with one particular trait: Jeep with “ruggedness,” Apple wth “excitement,” CNN with “competence,” and Dove with sincerity. Hence, these brands will attract persons who are high on the same personality traits. Armstrong & Kotler 2009:142)