Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Raindrop Vodka goes green!

Raindrop Vodka has teamed up with Green Glass in order to put forth an effort to the current “Go Green!” phenomena. All Glass is now purchased as a recycled product in order to help create a demand within the recyclying industry! Labels as well will be made from a type of soy paper and printed with a water ink. Now if you buy raindrop vodka you will be helping support the environment with every purchase while we still deliver outstanding class and quality.


Each department carries out value-creating activities to design, produce market, deliver, and support the firm’s products. The firm’s success depends not only on how well each department performs its work but also on how well the various departments coordinate their activities. (Armstrong & Kotler 2009:45)


Timothy Hard said...

I really think your whole marketing strategy involving going green is awesome. It is something new and fresh and people can get drunk and help out the environment at the same time. Great Concept! Looking forward to seeing more.

R. E. Hernandez said...

"Whereas consumerists consider whether the marketing system is efficiently serving consumer wants. environmentalists are concerned with marketing's effects on the the environment and with the environmental costs of serving consumer needs and wants."
armstrong&kotler chap.16 pg.488

I truely appreciate the effort your company is vying to make, by partnering with other companies with the same environmental friendly goals is most noteworthy.